본문 시작
손주희 교수
- 직책
- 전공분야 수학(편미분방정식)
- 연구실 종합강의동(W5) 213호
Tel :
E-mail woju48@ut.ac.kr
▶ 학력
[학사] 경희대학교 이학부 수학과
[석사] 경희대학원 수학과 석사
[박사] 경희대학원 수학과 박사
▶ 경력
2020.09- 2022.09 국민대학교 연구교수
▶ 수상
Kyung Hee University Scholarship, 2006 – 2010.
Lotte Scholarship Foundation, 2011-2012.
▶ 주요 연구 분야
편미분방정식 ((2+1) dimensional Chern-Simons gauge theory/ Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs model)
▶ 연구업적
[1] Existence of topological multi-string solutions in Abelian gauge field theories, Journal of Mathematical Physics 58(11) 2017, Article No. 111511, 1-17.
[2] On the self-dual Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs equation on compact surfaces, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A 39(2) 2019, 819-839.
[3] Bubbling string solutions for the self-dual Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 471(1&2) 2019, 728-751.
[4] Classification of string solutions for the self-dual Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs model, Annales Henri Poincare 20(5) 2019, 1699-1751.
[5] On semilocal Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 58 (2021.09.01), 1131-1145.
[1] 2021.04. 29 Korean Mathematical Society, Annual meeting,
- Generalized Semi-local Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations.
[2] 2017.10. 27-29 Korean Mathematical Society, Annual meeting,
- Existence of topological multi-string solutions of EMH model.
[3] 2017.04. 28-30 Korean Mathematical Society, Spring meeting,
- Existence of topological multi-string solutions of O(3) model with gravity.
[4] 2016.08.22, Invited seminar, Kyunggi University.
[5] 2016.07. 01-05, The 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Hyatt Regency Orlando, USA,
- Classification of Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs model.